Welcome to our study of women in the Bible. We are more familiar with the stories of the men in the Scriptures, but many women had a significant part to play in God’s plan of redemption as we see it unfold in the Old and New Testaments. God has put these stories in His Word and we can learn a lot from them. There are over sixty stories of significant women in the Bible.  In the next few posts we will focus on twelve extraordinary women – six from the Old Testament and six from the New Testament.

The stories are designed to be used in a curriculum.

The Stories:

1. Serve as examples of the many stories in the Bible of God’s female servants.

2. Are chosen from both the Old and New Testament.

3. Demonstrate the sovereignty of God in choosing whom He calls and gifts for service.

4. Teach us how we are to serve God as men and women in His Kingdom.

Summary of Lesson Structure:

1. The Scripture passages always come first. It is important to know what God says.

2. Give the background to the story, including where the story fits into God’s plan of redemption.

3. Tell the story.

4. Discussion time.  

5. Give the Scripture references for next week’s lesson.

The twelve stories are:

Lesson 1 – Eve – The First Woman in God’s Creation

Lesson 2 – Sarah – Nothing is Impossible With God

Lesson 3 –Tamar – God is Sovereign

Lesson 4 – Deborah and Jael – God’s Courageous Servants

Lesson 5 – Abigail – Obedience to God Comes First

Lesson 6 – Bathsheba – God is Compassionate

Lesson 7 – Mary of Nazareth – The Mother of Jesus

Lesson 8 – Mary of Magdala – Witness of Jesus’ Resurrection

Lesson 9 –Mary of Bethany – Disciple of Jesus

Lesson 10 – The woman at the well – First Evangelist in Samaria

Lesson 11 –Anna, Daughters of Philip – Early Church Prophets

Lesson 12 – Priscilla, Phoebe, and Lydia – Early Church Leaders

Handouts are available for each lesson. A list of resources will be available soon. These will include the books that will be an encouragement to anyone who wishes to do further study on their own.

Please feel free to print out the stories and handouts to use in your own Bible study or Sunday school program.

God bless you as you dig deeper into God’s Word to see what He has to say about his daughters!