Category Archives: Stone Soup

No Battle Between the Sexes – Part 5

Abuse in the form of domestic violence is one of the most tragic consequences of viewing women as inferior to men. We must not treat abuse in our churches as a secondary issue. For those women who live with domestic violence it is a centralissue; they live with a logical conclusion of women’s submission to sinful men.

No Battle Between the Sexes – Part 3

In this post we will look at the complementarian attempt to justify their position of the eternal subordination of women to men theologically. We will see that besides not having enough biblical or historical support for their doctrine of subordination of women to men, their theology is weak at best.

No battle Between the Sexes

Before Jesus ascended to Heaven He gave the Church a task. He told the disciples, men and women, to take the gospel to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:19-20). This is a huge undertaking and one that requires men and women serving side by side, using their Spirit-given gifts to bring the message of peace, forgiveness, love, and joy to everyone in the world.

Desiring Utopia While Being Afraid of the Future

Recently a freshman Representative from NY submitted a resolution to Congress for what she called a Green New Deal. It is a document full of idealism, emotionalism, and misguided concern for the environment but lacking any common sense or any basic understanding of economics, transportation, construction, or, in fact, reality.  The fact of the impracticality … Continue reading Desiring Utopia While Being Afraid of the Future

Gnostics Rising

I recently received an email and an excited phone message from a Christian brother asking me to view a couple of YouTube videos and then to give him my thoughts about their content. The videos were interviews with author and pastor Jonathan Cahn from several popular Christian talk shows. He was talking about his latest … Continue reading Gnostics Rising